Saturday, August 17, 2024


What will happen if Trump is reelected. First off most will be based on what he did when he was president before with a few additional goodies. He will increase production of coal, oil and natural gas to the max which means energy independence at home and large exports to add to US energy company profits. This means drilling on government lands and off shore and reducing regulations that inhibit growth in the fossil fuel industry. He will secure the border just as he did before by forcing Mexico to close their border with Guatemala, reinstating the remain in Mexico rule, stop catch and release and begin deporting illegals beginning with the undesirables. He will offer federal law enforcement aid to local government to help them put convicted criminals in jail and force local DA's to enforce the law. He will begin to deport illegal migrants starting with the criminals and working through the rest. He will add new import taxes on Chinese goods bringing in billions to the US treasury. He will reinstate the sanctions he had on Iran reducing their oil exports from 3 million barrels per day down to 800,000 barrels denying them $175 million dollars per day of income. He will sit down with NATO leaders and Putin and negotiate a settlement to the Ukraine War. He will tell Israel that the US will back them with all of the necessary supplies they need to quickly defeat Hamas. He will remove the tax subsidies on wind and solar projects and EV's. He would remove the requirements set up by EPA forcing people into buying EV's. He would not change social security, Medicare or Obamacare. On things of lesser importance and new things he would remove taxes on TIP income and put forth a plan to not tax social security benefit since that money has already been taxed. He would oppose trans in women's sports, gender surgery on minors and drag queens in schools. He would oppose tearing down building and statues and renaming monuments and streets because of past ownership of slaves. He would oppose reparation. He would oppose DEI and CRT. He would promote school choice. In short things would be much like they were during his last term up to the onset of Covid.

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