Monday, August 5, 2024


If Trump is elected. There will be a negotiated peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine. The border will be secure by forcing Mexico to close their border with Guatemala, re instituting remain in Mexico, stop catch and release and build the wall. The country will become energy independent by maximizing fossil fuel production and exporting the excess to help other countries move from coal to natural gas. Governments at all levels will be encouraged to stand behind the police, local DA's will prosecute criminals and repeat criminals will be imprisoned. The Trump tax cuts will be continued. The US will back Israel by sending in a timely manner all of the materials they need to defeat Hamas. The US will re institute the sanctions that Trump had against Iran in his first administration. The US will reduce regulations on business and add additional import taxes on China to promote bringing jobs back home. (MAGA) Recognizing that wind and solar will not replace fossil fuels, the US will turn its attention to the only viable solution for climate change and that is nuclear power. On a cultural level there will be no men in women's sports, schools will not keep secrets from parents, Drag Queens will not be dancing in school and rules about pronouns will be discouraged. In general this means that things will return to the way they were four years ago without the Covid meaning a secure border, low taxes, low inflation, low crime and no wars.

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