Wednesday, August 7, 2024


The unity that Biden promised is about to come to fruition. It started when Trump said he would not touch social security or Medicare. Both sides have put import taxes on China. Both sides promote reshoring, Biden with his America First and Trump with MAGA. Biden has reversed his position on Iran and added back the sanctions he removed when he took office. Both sides have put climate change on the back burner by maximizing fossil fuel output. Harris no longer wants to ban fracking. Both sides support Obamacare. Both sides are now in on full support for Israel. Harris is moving away from reparations, national healthcare and gun buy backs. Both sides have given up on debt control since they both printed trillions. Both sides need to reach a compromise on immigration and Ukraine and the country will be as George Wallace said in 1966, "there's not dimes worth of difference between the Republican and Democratic parties". If Trump is elected it will not be the end of democracy and if Harris is elected it will not mean socialism. No matter who is elected the economy will be rolling along and that means good paying jobs.

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