Thursday, January 2, 2025


The path toward globalization began as WW 2 came to an end and the US guaranteed the safety of the seas which allowed free and open trade. It started slow but built up steam as can be seen by the US trade deficit with China which was $95 million in 1972, $6 billion in 1985 and $385 billion in 2022. During this same time period the wealth gap grew rapidly. Those at the bottom saw their wealth go from $23 in debt to $450. The middle income groups went from $50,000 to $200,000. Those near the top saw growth going from $300,000 to $2 million while the very top went from $2million to $14 million. During this time the US lost 6 million manufacturing jobs as 70,000 businesses closed. In 1970 corporate profits were $200 billion rising to 18,000 billion by 2023. To recap working people saw their wealth increase four fold while the super rich increased 90 fold. This is why the establishment wants to stay the course but the country is ready to change. The rich and powerful do not want to upset the apple cart but like it or not that is about to happen. The bureaucracy that has been growing in power and protecting the top will now be challanged. The more educated, including the press, along with those in power will oppose any change. The battle lines are set. If it weren't for politics this change would be a no brainer but that is not the case.

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