Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Deep Seek

Deep Seek, a new Chinese version of AI has hit the tech world with a bang. Everyone who follows tech innovation knows that the mythical teenager working in his mom’s basement can upset the market and this has happened with Deep Seek. A good way to understand what is happening is to go back to the early 1970’s. At that time if I wanted to present a retirement program to a potential client, I would gather information and send if off to New York where a large mainframe computer would analyze the data and in two weeks return to me a program to present. In the early 80’s small computers called PC’s became available and I could print out the programs right in my office in a few minutes. The PC’s were never as good as the mainframe but they were all I needed for my work. The new Deep Seek is to the big AI as the PC was to the mainframe. It is not as good but plenty good to do most jobs. As time passed the PC gained more capabilities and so will the Deep Seek.

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