Monday, January 20, 2025
This is from my friend in Croatia in response to my question as what Europeans think of the US election.
Whoa, who's mesaagedo I see in my mailbox? Hey Jack# it's so good to hear from you! How are you, how is whole family doing? All the best in 2025 to all your Novicks out there.
How is Europe reacting? With pragmatism. Leftists are happy because they expect lack of support for Ukraine so that Russia could prevail, and traditionalists hope that Trump effectwill be seen in Europe in form of fall of wokeism and leftist dominance that is erosing national states by woke policies and open doors for illegal migratrations. So there is lots of hope, also lot of realism on tradicionalists side. They know that America can't be saving Europe forever while we Europeans sit on fat ass and do nothing to protect our borders from Putinists as well ad from Chinese- Russian hybrid wall. Terrorism is in rise in Europe thanks to progressive judges that ptevent extradictions and punishment of ilkegal immigrants, and there is silent rage among people bubbling, that will explode one day. Leftists are preventing right wing parties that won large majority of votes in recent elections in several EU countries from ruling countries according to people's will with political tricks and also legally by prohibiting perfectly normal political parties as "extremists". As in the USA, neomarxistic forces are blocking democratical mechanisms and are implemented virtual democracies which are in fact soft totalitarianisms. Most of us hope that Trump's government combined with efforts to strenghten free speech again and prohibit wokeist insanities will have positive effect in same direction for Europe, too. Right now, Europe is wokeist forttess with totalitarian tendencies. Nominally right wing EU leader von Der Layen is actually totally woke and left wing and in alliance with leftists parties blocks changes in costly green transition (that European households can't afford), immigtation politics, protection of ftee speech, defense ability of European union as such and many other critical isdues europeans are dealing with. Most of EU leafership is on Soros paycheck so things are getting worse here day by day regarding democracy. Immigrants are attacking domestic critics and domestic people can end up in jail even for small public criticism of state support to immigrant terrorists. I personally have high hopes about Trump's administration too. But we have to be realistic as well.
How are things in the USA? From what I can see on social media platformsm extreme left is not ready to accept the vote of majority of American people.
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