Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Some people in the press have heard Trump’s remarks about deportation and they have framed a picture of herding migrants in to cattle cars and hauling them off to some Auschwitz in Mexico. A more realistic expectation would be closing the border, deporting all convicted criminals, finding 300,000 missing children, offering a path to citizenship for the dreamers and setting up a program to allow the others to get their ITIN’s. These would be changed to make working legal and after five years they become eligible for green cards. In another five years a chance for citizenship assuming then have a clean record. These people will be needed to fill the many jobs that will be created in the upcoming reshoring of business. This is a reasonable approach and one that would have been acceptable based on closing the border. Most of the people have always considered citizenship for migrants with the pre requisite of closing the border.

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