Saturday, December 29, 2012


There are currently 1.4 million active military in the US and another half million in the National Guard for a total of just under 2 million. The defense budget is 700 billion and employs 4 million for a total of 6 million jobs associated with the defense of the country. These are skilled people and would easily find jobs in the energy field and with the recent new process of fracking the supplies of natural gas have made the US the leading supplier. Natural gas can be used not only as fuel to produce usable energy but is a boon to the chemical industry, another field of opportunity for skilled people. I the US is willing to expand the fossil fuel industry, which includes fracking for oil and clean coal along with the new safe nuclear processes, this opens the door to moving people from the defense industry to the energy field and will allow the US to become energy independent and no president will have to bow to a Saudi King. On a national scale the US will become the largest exported of energy in the world and our balance of payment problems will be resolved. The new jobs will be high paying technical type jobs and will re-ignite the manufacturing base which is strongly energy dependent. As we bring the troops home from locations around the world while simultaneously grow the energy industry we make the transfer that I call the next industrial revolution. These new facilities will be constructed using modern technologies to keep them clean, meaning free of chemicals like sulfur and nitrogen compounds. There are several ways to sequester carbon dioxide and we can have a new source of clean energy. The only question that remains is, what are we waiting for?

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