Wednesday, December 26, 2012


One of the goals of President Franklin D Roosevelt was to add a second Bill of Rights to the constitution. The Founding Fathers set up the constitution to limit the power of the federal government. They had lived under the tyranny of the King and wanted to avoid that at all cost. The first ten amendments place limits on the power of the federal government. FDR proposed a second bill which included the right of the government to guarantee a job with a living wage, adequate housing for all citizens, adequate medical care for all, education for all and social security for all. He tried to pack the Supreme Court to accomplish this end but was thwarted by the congress. President Obama feels the same way about the constitution but he is trying a different approach. He wants to transfer the power of the constitution to the federal government using presidential decrees and this will eliminate congress from getting in the way. The way he has chosen to accomplish this is by offering more and more benefits to people and causing them to become more dependent on government. If he can get a majority of the voters to side with him he can move toward bigger government. As voters get accustom to unemployment compensation, food stamps, housing assistance, medical assistance, low interest education loans and more dependent on social security for retirement he can get the second list that FDR strived for. Compare the list by FDR with programs we now have on the books. Guaranteed job Unemployment compensation and welfare benefits along with increasing the number of government employees Housing Every person having the right to home ownership……backfired with the mortgage crisis. Medical Obama care (Medicaid for all) Education low interest student loans provided only by the federal government Social security most popular and most expensive of all government programs FDR would be proud

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