Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Not being a person who shies away from controversy I am interested in the current debate over gay marriage and how there is an open discussion about the fairness aspect and a hidden issue about the practical aspects. An open minded liberal person is the one who presents the arguments about people loving whom they please and this is difficult to refute. Let’s go deeper into the subject and see if we begin to lose some of these liberal thinkers. On most evening TV shows and many afternoon Soaps you can see a man and woman in compromising situations and most people don’t pay a lot of attention. Allow me to change the scene. You have two men, scantily clad in bed with their hands roaming over each other while they are feverishly open mouth kissing. Anyone getting uncomfortable yet? Next move away from the TV and imagine these same two in the privacy of their home. Does sodomy come to mind? This is not some abnormal sexual activity but the normal practice of most gay men. Does this make many people uncomfortable? I claim that it does and that is the reason why you don’t see the intimacy on TV with gays that you see with straights. I maintain that most people do not think of the sexual acts when they decide their view on gay marriage. If thoughts like that happen into their minds they quickly push them aside. Now here is the final test. Did you feel a little uneasy just reading this? Are you concerned that you may not be as open minded as you thought?

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