Saturday, December 29, 2012


Since I started my new career, I have been thinking more about the way others look at retirement and since I see 85 as the new 65, my view is somewhat different than many others. I spent 25 years helping people plan their retirement years and they all had one thing in common. They all wanted to plan around their needs. I watched many of these people retire and I came to understand that while they met their goals, many were not as satisfied as they thought they would be. The inner peace and contentment they assumed would be theirs was missing. Things were alright but just not right. As I look back, using the wisdom of hindsight, I realize what was missing. I now understand that a complete retirement plan must be centered around others. The plan should be designed to use a person’s talents, experience and knowledge in ways that can help others. A lifetime of accomplishments can be expanded to improve the lives of people within their sphere of influence. The skills honed in the ups and downs of life can be used to make things better for others. Sharing what was learned in the school of hard knocks can ease the way for others. Get ready, the world is changing

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