Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Europe's economy

For those of you who keep abreast of current developments on the economic scene the argument has boiled down to two sides. One side says that we need to spend more and forget about the debt and the other side says spend less and bring down the debt. Paul Krugman, a liberal economist is for spending more. He wants to print up 600 billion and send that money back to the states to hire back all of the state employees, mostly teachers, who have been laid off. I feel he is partially correct that we need to get the economy growing and that is one way but there is another approach. Private companies have a trillion dollars overseas that they will not bring back until the tax laws change and they have another trillion dollars they are sitting on waiting for more stability in government. If President Obama is reelected we will go with the printing of money and hiring back teachers but if Romney is elected the path will be the other way. He will get rid of Obama care and most of the regulations that Obama has put on business and they will start to spend their savings. The tax laws will be changed to encourage business to bring home their overseas money. Europe is facing the same two choices. Germany and England prefer the spending reductions called austerity and the rest of Europe wants to print money and hire back government employees. England is a separate case since they have their own currency, the pound vs the Euro and they have chosen austerity and it is not working all that will just as we have chosen printing money and it also is not working that well. We are doing better than England as England just went into a double dip recession. The main disadvantage to following Obama is that once we get the economy growing we then have to tend to the debt but if we follow Romney we can get at both problems at once. After you remove the politics we still have economist on both sides of the issue which seems always to be the case with economist. Even if you are not an expert you can choose either side and have a whole passel of experts on your side. If I were running a presidential campaign I would much rather be on Obama sides since it is easier to tell the people that we are going to hire them today than to tell them we are going to wait for private companies to hire them since it will take time to undo what Obama has done but sending printed money to the states can be done overnight. I believe most people will go for the immediate solution since many of us, especially those under 65 have been raised on instant gratification.

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