Monday, January 16, 2017

Credit vs results

On the national quest to understand our new president the story of the ice rink is illustrative of his management style. The city was bogged down with cost overruns and delays in trying to build an ice rink. Trump went to them saying he could get the job done without any knowledge of rinks. He convinced them that he was the expert and then called a friend of his in Canada whose business was building hockey arenas and following his advice was able to complete the project on time and below cost. There is a pattern here of offering expertise to get the job and then finding others that have that same expertise and using them to complete the project. This can be seen in Trumps cabinet picks where he seeks not political knowhow but business acumen. In politics it is all about getting credit for things. That is way when one party is in the White House the other side becomes the party of no. It matters not what is good for the country but only to keep the credit from the other side. In business credit takes a back seat to results. The way a good plant manager deals with the union is to offer credit. The manager will tell the union that every time he goes to the home office and is able to get another employee benefit he will make sure that all employees know that it was because of the union that the benefits were provided. It then behooves the union to make sure the plant runs efficiently. The manager is results oriented not credit oriented. Most of the political guru’s still think in terms of politics when it comes to Trumps management style but he is a businessman first and knows the art of the deal is based on giving credit in exchange for results.

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