Monday, January 2, 2017


happy new year to you too, I hope it started well and that it will be great year all the way through. Let me answer your questions. First, EU is not very happy with Trump as USA president. Why is it so? Because leftist media have been against him just like almost all media in USA and because leftists in Europe are very loud and influential. Is Trump good for Europe or not? I think there will be not much difference, the difference and deviation from EU interests might occur regarding Russia. But I am not certain about that in long term, because also EU badly needs Putin for many reasons, not only economical ones (war crysis in Syria, consequential migrant vawe, expanison of terrorists acts in EU and Turkey, Turkey's position toward EU and Russia etc.)... Russia (together with Turkey, which more and more becomes Russian ally instead of American ally, because USA supports kurdish groups which Turkey considers as threat to its national sovereignity) took over main influence in what is going on in the Middle East from USA. This is fact and I believe that Trump took that fact into consideration. Logical step from here would be, and it seems that it is, that Trump will try to cooperate with Russia regarding the Middle East crysis which part of EU won't like for sure. But I think that if we come out from point of political pragmatism, all 3 superpowers probably realised that not even one of them can act as single and that they after all depend on each others. Second: I don't really understand Obama's position at the moment, why is he supporting Clinton after everything is lost? She was his oponent once too and back then he was very critical about her support to Bush' escapades in the Middle East that caused mess that we all pay for today. Maybe USA not that much, but Europe for sure does. And third, I liked Obama, I didn't like Trump before elections but during election process I favorited Trump before Clinton. Why? Because I didn't find Clinton senciere and on the contrary, I found Trump very senciere and at the same time as huge pragmatic (so I doubt that he will expell all mexicans and so on from USA, he is too pragmatical for that). This might seem as paradox, how is one senciere if he speaks of one thing and does another? Well in my case I think that we all expected that Trump will speak of one thing and stand for another after he becomes president and we all knew exactly what will that be. So I hope that I am not wrong in this case. I don't think that it is smart if politician and his policies shift too right or too left, and last nominations for most important functions in USA do present some concern for me. But hopefully things won't bo into same wrong direction as they went in era of younger Bush. I think that Trump is simply too smart and pragmatical for that. I hope that I am not wrong. Minority of people, mostly those who belong to rightist political options or into political centre, feel the same as I do. But we will see, all options are open. As it comes to Russia, many of us don't like it, but it seems we will be forced to cooperate with it, like it or not, simply because we have to. Maybe someting good comes out of this, what do you think? Congrats for winning of your candidate, it was painful to watch protests in USA after elections, while Trump still isnt nominally president. It seems that leftists, same as in Europe, don't recognise democratically presented will of the people if it doesnt suit them. Here those leftists are mostly ex communists or parties with support of ex communist party and they mean nothing good for our prosperity and democracy. They still want to establish the system of priviledges for members of ex communist party and their children, grandchildren, political supporters and so on, in which democracy is obstacle and not goal. I hope that USA never witness that and maybe winning of Trump is good news in that regard too. Those who voted for Trump belong to middle class that was not heard from Clinton side. Those who protected against Trump have full asses of everything and don't have to struggle to survive themselwes and their families. Of course this doesnt mean that oppression of minorities is good idea, far from that, and I hope it will never happen. All the best in new year, I hope to hear from you more often!

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