Sunday, January 22, 2017


As the interest in the new president takes center stage his decision making process comes under review. His thinking out loud by way of twitter is a constant source of consternation to many and often reveals his dependents on his instinct. His words go back and forth as his thoughts formulate but always his strong plan B is what his gut says. This style is even more difficult to understand since it follows President Obama who used the intellectual approach and rarely if ever used his instinct. It is reminiscent of Mike Tyson who said, “"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." The times when Obama was punched he responded with more professorial rhetoric and if he felt punched he hesitated to show it. The name no drama Obama was appropriate on many occasions. While Obama may be criticized for avoiding his instinctive side Trump can revert too quickly to his plan B. While each of these styles differ what will matter is results. If Trump can bring back good paying jobs for the middle income people all his words will fade into the background. If he starts with a large infrastructure program which will provide construction jobs for many including those in the inner city, attitudes will begin to change. If he follows that up with a tax reduction then companies will bring back money held overseas and investments will blossom. With this new money and lower taxes companies will be encouraged to bring manufacturing back home. Lowering individual tax rates will put money into the hands of consumers and their spending will add fire to economic furnace. Sealing the borders will lead to legalizing those who are here and they can move from the underground network and join the tax paying work force. Revamping Obamacare and reducing regulations will free up corporate monies for further investment. As the economy reaches GDP growth of four or five percent, tax revenues will increase and this represents the best way to bring down the debt.

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