Saturday, October 7, 2017


Guns, guns, guns! A trend that started back in 1990 has continued to this day. The more guns sold the fewer murders committed. In 1993 Americans owed 185 million guns and today it is 370 million. During this time period the murder rate has declined by 50% and this was accompanied by declines in all violent crime. A reasonable conclusion to this data is that the more guns around the safer people are. There are compelling reasons for limiting the size of magazines, having more extensive back ground checks and getting rid of the gadget that changes a semi-automatic into a fully automatic although there are instructions on the Internet explaining how to make this change without this gadget. These changes will not affect those who do not follow the laws or those who want to kill large numbers of people. Facts show that these changes would not have deterred any of the mass attacks we have suffered. These people have already used pressure cooking pots, pipe bombs, runaway cars and trucks and box cutters to kill so they will find a way. Drones are probably next. If this were not a political issue the subject would not have the news value it currently has.

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