Sunday, October 8, 2017


The nuke deal with Iran is under scrutiny and Trump is going to ask congress to review some things about the agreement. The original plan was very narrow and centered only around Iran’s nuke production. This left things like financing and promoting terrorism off the table. It did not include any restrictions on the building of long range rockets capable of carrying nukes. Part of the Iran deal was the release of billions of Iran’s money that was locked up by sanctions. Some say this will help spur the economy and others say it will be used to fund terrorism. In addition Iran received 1.7 billion in cash in Swiss francs and other currencies. This was not used for domestic spending but likely for sponsored terrorist activities. Congress will try to broaden the scope of the agreement to include some restrictions on funding of terrorism and limits on rocket development. This is mostly futile since the horse is out of the barn but it makes for good politics.

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