Saturday, October 28, 2017

Health care problems

In January of 2016 the Republicans in both the house and senate approved a bill to dismantle Obamacare and sent it to President Obama who vetoed the plan. “We have now shown that there is a clear path to repealing Obamacare," House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), said in a statement. “So, next year, if we’re sending this bill to a Republican president, it will get signed into law." One year later the Republicans could not agree on a plan. The fact that they did it the year before indicates that many were not satisfied with the plan but voted for it knowing full well that Obama would veto it. This was done just to try and make the President look like he was an obstructionist. This is it the kind of stuff that goes on all too often in Washington. Just one more reason why people want to throw the bums out.

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