Sunday, October 22, 2017

Tax changes

Under current tax law a family of four earning $100,000 per year pays $9,800 in federal income tax and the same family earning $200,000 pays $34,000. Under the Trump plan a family of four earning $100,000 pays $9,100 and those earning $200,000 pay $24,000. If they compromise and leave the top rate at 39.6% then there will be no reduction in taxes on the rich except for small business owners whose top rate will drop from 39.6% to 28%. The corporate tax rate will decrease from 35% to 20% and there will be a one-time tax holiday on corporate funds held outside the country at 10%. It is estimated the companies are holding 2 trillion dollars overseas and they would bring that home. The President should use his negotiating skills to convince companies to use the money they get from the tax holiday to grow the economy. This means not just buying back company stock but investing in new businesses.

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