Thursday, October 12, 2017


About those tweets! Suppose you are a Washington insider, who has spent your career developing contacts, with the movers and shakers who live in the shadows and suddenly all that secret information, that only you had access to, is now sent out into the world by the President on his twitter account. Even though you preach openness in government this method of operating is stealing your thunder and you find yourself becoming obsolete, so you say that this is no way to run the government. It is ok if you know certain things about the government because you are a sophisticated Washingtonian but if that is just blabbed out to the rest of us non-sophisticates we will not know how to handle it. The press and the public demand transparency and now we have the inside track to what the President is thinking almost as soon as he thinks it but it is frightening. Maybe we want to go back to the old days when all of this was kept secret and only leaked to the press when the need arose. Maybe transparency is just too much for us.

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