Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sub contractors

Back in my work days I had a client whose job it was to get grants for the government research center at UND. He did not need any equipment or employees just the expertise to fill out the proper forms in the proper way. I was reminded of him this week when the news reported that a small two man company in Montana called Whitefish secured a $300 million dollar project to repair the infra-structure in Puerto Rico. These two gentlemen would sit in their office and hire sub-contractures to do all the work and bill the government. How would they make money doing this? They would simply overcharge the government. The cost of labor has emerged as a key question after NPR and other outlets reported that worker wages can go as high as $336 an hour for general foremen and $319 an hour for linemen. Subcontractors are a major share of Whitefish’s labor force, as CNBC reported. Here’s how NPR reported other costs: Like the old song says,” nice work if you can get and you can get it if you try.”

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