Sunday, October 1, 2017

Puerto Rico

My daughter in law goes around the world building production plants and she built one in Puerto Rico some years ago but the past year she has been building one in Costa Rica because the financial situation with the Puerto Rico government has deteriorated to the point where her company decided not to expand their facility. Puerto Rico has been relying on US aid for many years to keep their economy afloat but all that came to a head last May when the country filed for bankruptcy. Their economy was rapidly sinking and this hurricane put the final nail in the coffin. To get them back on their feet will take a lot more than just storm recovery. Unlike Texas and Florida the infrastructure has been allowed to deteriorate to the point where storm aid cannot be delivered to where it is needed. The power grid along with roads and bridges has been in disrepair for years and now just compounds the storm problem. Regular upkeep in power plants and water treatment facilities has been curtailed due to lack of funds. In this way it resembles New Orleans during Katrina. Federal money that was supposed to be spent on keeping the sea walls in proper shape was spent on other projects and when the storm hit the walls collapsed. It is like a family that lives from paycheck to paycheck and suddenly encounters and unexpected expense. They just go under.

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