Monday, November 16, 2020

Asian immigrants

There is something about our education system that points people away from careers in science and engineering. The only other explanation is that the Americans are not talented or not interested in those areas. Only one in six of high school seniors is proficient in math. China and India have twice as many STEM(science, technology, engineering and math) grads as the US. Countries like Canada and Australia recognize this and set their immigration programs based on merit. This has been happening without a special law to promote it since the top two countries where immigrants come from are China and India. These people come with tech skills that are needed here and thus they find good jobs where they can support themselves. Once here they promote the value of education and their children are the best performing students. In addition more are proficient in English than immigrants from Mexico and Central America. In both China and India English is taught from a young age. It is not racist to promote these better educated immigrants since they are all brown skin people.

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