Thursday, November 5, 2020

Election results

If the election results hold up it will be a win for the American people because it represents compromise. The democrats lose a few seats but keep the house, the republicans lose a seat and keep the senate and Biden wins a narrow victory. This means no new taxes, no green deal, no amnesty for illegals, no open borders, no second virus stimulus, no wealth tax, no impeachments, no Medicare for all, no free college, no change in Roe even though abortion disproportionately effects Blacks in a negative way and no riots in the streets. It means bringing home jobs from China especially those regarding medical supplies, a possible infrastructure bill, a press that concentrates on policies instead of ranting about personalities, a stock market that continues a slow but steady rise, a willingness to open the economy, continued energy independence with fracking and free trade with fair or no tariffs. Biden knows that China cannot be trusted and will not sign the TPP. He understands that climate change will fade into the background with a democrat in the White House. He knows that replacing fossil fuels with wind and solar is not possible with current technology so the Paris Agreement makes no sense. In the Middle East he will follow the plan to by-pass Palestine and organize the other Arab countries to work with Israel so there is no need to make an agreement with Iran. The downside is that spending $7 trillion on the virus may trigger inflation which will cause interest rates to rise and servicing the debt may harm economic growth.

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