Saturday, November 14, 2020

Fossil fuel

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good is an old adage and applicable today in regards to climate change. The road to lowering CO2 passes through several stages in several different ways. First continue to replace coal fired power plants with natural gas. As natural gas plants get old replace them with nuke plants. Build wind mills and solar panels next to existing natural gas power plants using the gas as backup. Install solar and wind for homes using existing heating sources as backup. Start moving cars and small trucks over to natural gas. Continue to increase exports of natural gas to help other countries move away from coal. Start exporting natural gas vehicles to change the world to natural gas. Start building nuke plants today to cover tomorrows needs. These things are not being done because political concerns have deemed it necessary to move directly from fossil fuels to wind and solar. While electric cars and small trucks will continue to be sold they will not replace existing cars until the battery charging time is reduced. No scientist has said we can have air transportation without fossil fuel. Hydrogen is an options but currently to costly to produce. The same can be said for heavy construction equipment, large farm tractors, rail locomotives, semi trucks and large ships. While waiting for the perfect answer let's keep moving toward perfect. All of these things could have been started 30 years ago like the change over in power plants. Why weren't they? Politics.

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