Monday, November 9, 2020


There is a cadre, sometimes referred to as eastern liberal elites who have gathered under their wing a group of people who consider themselves as victims. This group includes minorities of all kinds. In many cases they are heavily dependent on public assistance. The goal of the elite is to achieve equal results and be rewarded with votes. It has been going on since the 60's and it getting stronger by the year. The lure of benefits is powerful for all groups but more so for those who feel the greatest need. This potential problem was foreseen by Benjamin Franklin when he said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” This movement will concentrate power into the hands of a few who are seen as benefactors and people will unknowingly trade their individual freedom for benefits. Once a benefit is given, it is almost impossible to take it away and this becomes a one way street. The long term result will be that instead of the average family income being $60,000, every family will earn that amount except for the elite leaders who will earn much more. It will be as Orwell said in Animal Farm, everyone is equal but some are more equal.

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