Thursday, November 26, 2020

This I wrote many years ago and send to my friends this time of year A NOVEMBER MORNING WALK A November morning walk is a special event. The gray clouds hang low on the horizon. The North wind, now filled with the first chilling reminder of winter, pushes the Autumn leaves across the pavement, rolling and crackling on their way to winter graves. The trees, that only last week, were bright with red and gold, now stand partially disrobed and dull brown against the morning sky. The heated activity of the past summer has subsided, and the time for regrouping is at hand. I look inward, and wrap myself up in the warm blanket of my feelings, as I prepare to hibernate with thoughts of peace and contentment. It is my time for preventive maintenance, and proper care of the soul. When I was in the first half of life, I had not time for such foolish behavior. I did not realize the joy of resting quietly in the forest, for I was busy rubbing the sticks of ambition and materialism together, to start the fires of progress that would set the forest ablaze. As I look back upon the charred remains of all this activity, I am thankful that I didn’t burn myself out. I will cherish each day of this seemingly forgotten month, as I build up my enthusiasm for giving and forgiving in the coming year, and then as the month comes to an end, it is appropriate that it burst open with a great thanksgiving for the past year. Now is the time when I will check my moral foundation, and my spiritual working parts, so that I am properly prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead. With all things in good working order I will best be able to share my gifts with others, and experience the truth, joy and love that is my destiny.

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