Tuesday, November 24, 2020

College or not

A student majoring in liberal arts can learn just as much by staying at home and reading. Typical liberal arts degrees are the study of history, literature, writing, philosophy, sociology, psychology, creative arts and more. This requires self discipline that many college age students do not have. It cost much less but means no social life meaning party time. The employer will not know what you have learned but if you start working and do your self education while working you will soon prove your worth. The boss will quickly realize that you are self starter with the self discipline to stay on task. Working and paying your own light bill will cause you to mature into a productive worker faster than spending 4 years going through the motions of learning while spending most of your time wasting time. College for serious students will pay off but too many are there just taking up space. It is estimated that the cost of a liberal arts degree including loan interest and loss of income is over $400,000. The average starting salary for a liberal arts major is $38,000. Starting pay at Amazon is $30,000 per year. If you are not really fired up about getting a formal education you may be better off forgoing college and joining the work force right after high school. It is something to consider.

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