Monday, June 7, 2021

China virus

In 2018 China removed restrictions on term limits and China's leader Xí Jìnpíng can remain in office for life. His goal is to become the worlds leader by proving that communism is better than capitalism even though his private sector has only prospered since the introduction of free markets. Under Trump the US economy boomed and the virus stopped it in its tracks. Since the virus came from China some feel the virus escaped accidentally but was then used by China to its advantage. It is suspicious because China lied about the virus and then covered up the lies. They stopped travel within China but allowed people from Wuhan province to travel around the world spreading the virus. The US participated in the experiments and Trump called it the China virus so there was pressure to believe China. The WHO backed up China and the US press joined with them. Since the virus China has taken a very aggressive foreign policy course. In the past few months it clashed with India, escalated problems with Vietnam and Malaysia, pressured Taiwan and threatened Australia. Hong Kong which was a bastion of capitalism is under attack even though China promised in 1997 not to change that small island for 50 years. As Trump recedes into the back ground perhaps the desire to protect China's part in the virus will fade. The release of the Fauci emails will hasten this change.

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