Saturday, June 12, 2021


The teaching of critical race theory (CRT) is meant to point out the past discrimination against Blacks and how that is a part of all aspects of society. A good example is the use of red lining when determining who qualifies for a mortgage. There are many other examples but one of the unintended consequences of this approach is that it leads to one group of oppressors and another group of oppressed. This was the foundation of Marxism where the few rich became the oppressors of the many poor. Since you cannot legislate morality the fall back position is to legislate income redistribution. The message to Black students is that you are behind because of circumstances beyond your control and so we must offer you special treatment so that you can catch up. This was the purpose of affirmative action and is the idea behind reparations. The downside is that it confirms Bush's words, the soft bigotry of low expectations. The two main purposes of government is first to protect the country from foreign enemies and second to promote policies that encourage the growth of good paying jobs in the private sector. Following this second point will go a long way to solve the race problem.

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