Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Equality is the defining goal of socialism. Socialist favor a more equal distribution of wealth and income within the society. It is promoted by promising equality. It takes root when the people feel they are being oppressed by oppressors and usually this comes down to income disparities. The Russian revolution came about because the Tsar was living in a castle while the peasants were starving. Castro took over in Cuba by nationalizing all business with the promise to share the wealth. Hugo Chavez promised the people he would take the oil money from the oil companies and share it with the people. Income disparities in the US are large and getting larger setting the US up for a smooth operator to come in and take over with promised of redistribution and this is best seen in the increasing use of the word equity. Equity means equal results but usually is limited to income. Most Americans don't like equity in other areas. Ideas like everyone gets a trophy are not popular. Free marketers prefer equal opportunity not equal results. It is hoped that the income gap can be narrowed without resorting to socialism. A good start is to improve the education system and follow that up with a check on corruption.

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