Friday, June 25, 2021

Free market

As the discussion about socialism vs capitalism get news coverage please be reminded of the old days of the cold war. Recall those pictures behind the Berlin wall showing food stores in the USSR. The shelves were empty and then look at the super markets in the US and items were piled high from floor to ceiling. Recall the wall that was used to keep people in while the US had walls to keep people out. It does not take an expert in economies to see the stark differences that your eyes and a little common sense reveal. Look at pictures today from Cuba and North Korea. China is growing only because they have adopted the free market. Venezuelan moved away from free markets to socialism and in less than 10 years fell apart. Just block out the politics of today and open your eyes to what is going on and you will be thankful for capitalism. Refine the system to minimize the income gap but don't discard the whole works.

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