Sunday, June 6, 2021

Israel Iran

Over 70 years a dozen US administration have tried to broker a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians without success. Trump chose to approach other Arab countries to reach agreements with Israel and came up with the Abraham accords with Israel working with four Arab countries and Saudi Arabia on the cusp. The strategy joined the Suni Arab states with Israel against the Shia state of Iran. Trump canceled the nuke agreement with Iran and increased the sanctions against Iran and this led to the hope for an agreement. Trump solidified US-Israeli relations by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Trumps relationship with Netanyahu was strengthened. Biden comes to power and begins to unravel what Trump had accomplished. He rejoins the nuke agreement and rescinded the sanctions. Biden will send $235 million to the Palestinians. Within a few months after Biden took office Hamas began launching rockets into Israel. Now the Abraham accords are in jeopardy. Unlike Barack Obama and Donald Trump, Biden hasn’t named a special envoy to focus on the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio. Unlike Bill Clinton, Biden has no plans for any sort of peace conference, or even a peace process, anytime soon. Biden’s closest antecedent may be George W. Bush, who initially resisted engaging with the issue — but eventually he found he couldn't ignore it. To many Biden's actions seem not to find a solution but just to undo what Trump had done.

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