Wednesday, June 30, 2021

NY voting

For most of my life voting meant going to the polls with proof of who you are and filing out a paper ballot where you voted one candidate for each position. This system was deemed racist mostly because it was said that Blacks have a difficult time in providing proper identification. In the last 20 years many changes have been made in election procedures to eliminate any racism. NY City had a mayoral election on June 22 and expect to have the results sometime in July. Why the delay? NY City uses what is called rank choice voting. What is this? You vote for 5 candidates for mayor number one being your first choice and number two your second choice and so on. If one candidate receives 50% of the vote that candidate is the winner. If no candidate receives 50% then the lowest is eliminated and that persons votes are reallocated to which ever candidate ranked second. And this process continues until one candidate is left. It's a little complicated but it seems that the losers are electing the winner.

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