Friday, July 16, 2021


As the US troops withdraw from Afghanistan the government has expressed concern for some of the interpreters and arrangements are being made to bring them to the US. These leaves others who joined forces with the US in jeopardy. In 2009 Pakistan allowed the Taliban to take control of the Swat Valley in Southern Pakistan. The Taliban then closed the girls schools and threatened and killed female teachers. The Taliban have closed all of the girls schools in the areas of Afghanistan that they control. Will they now close all of the schools? This is one of the reasons why Muslim countries were bypassed when the industrial revolution came along. They allowed religion to dictate government policy. If it were not for US and British engineers the oil rich countries would still be living in tents in the desert, a backward people much like the other major Muslim countries like Pakistan and Indonesia. We have learned the hard way it is best to allow people go their own way. When people recall the Holocaust they often say never again but when mass executions happen as in the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 nothing is done. What will the world do if this thing happens in Afghanistan. Are we so tired of a 20 year war that we will once again do nothing.

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