Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Carbon Tracker is a think tank that promotes wind and solar. On April 26, 2021 they said, Carbon Tracker uses the findings to claim that “the fossil fuel era is over.” At current growth rates, it says, solar and wind power could price fossil fuels out of the world's electricity markets by the mid-2030s, and by 2050 could replace fossil fuels entirely. Another pro wind and solar group on April 24, 2021 said, Wind and solar could replace fossil fuels 100 times over, says new report. These are only two of many articles on line predicting that wind and solar will replace fossil fuels. Some break it down into replacing the electricity supply which is very possible to replacing all fossil fuel which is very impossible. No scientist will stand up and tell the world that wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels. 747's cannot run on batteries. Military F-35's cannot run on batteries. Ocean transports cannot run on batteries. Rail locomotives cannot run on batteries. Large farm and construction equipment cannot run on batteries. Even replacing electric power leaves open the question of what to do when the sun doesn't shine and when the wind doesn't blow. It is easy to understand how the average person may believe the claim that fossil fuel can be replaced by wind and solar but scientist and engineers should point out the errors in this thinking.

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