Tuesday, July 20, 2021


Trump was infamous for exaggerating which some called hyperbole and others called lying. Biden is acting in a similar way. He said the January 6 attack on the capitol was the worst challenge to our government since the Civil War. You have to consider Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in there somewhere. The attack on the Capitol began about 2 PM and was over by 8 PM with five of the rioters losing their lives one whom was shot by a police officer. He said the Georgia election reforms are worse than Jim Crow on steroids. These included separate schools, restrooms, restaurants, movie theaters, swimming pools and drinking fountains not to mention poll taxes, water cannons and attack dogs. He said the border was closed as illegals crossing reached 500,000 in 3 months and those are the ones we know about. Some might consider this as misinformation. He said the vaccine rates between whites, Blacks, Hispanics and Asian Americans are the same. He said were sending back the vast majority of families that are coming. He said if we kept the minimum wage indexed to inflation it would be $20 per hour today. He said he could send every qualified person to a four year college for $150 billion. He said that confirming a new Justice in an election year is unconstitutional. He said in the Obama/Biden administration 18,000 got clemency when the actual number was 2,000. This is a partial list to illustrate the point that politicians sometimes use hyperbole.

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