Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Hugo Chevaz

Hugo Chavez was the president of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013. When he took over the constitution was changed giving him almost dictatorial power. The next year he was reelected with 60% of the vote. He then put his friends in control of the state oil business and the people rose up and tossed him. Two days later the Palace Guard put him back in power. He then promised to use the income from oil exports to offer adult literacy programs, free community health care, low income housing and subsidized food and consumer products. He then develops a civilian army of 2 million men to defend against foreign enemies which could be used to protect him. He makes oil deals with Russian, Iran China and other South American countries. In 2006 he wins reelection with 62% of the vote. He nationalizes the oil industry. The budget deficits rise along with inflation. He begins to manipulate the courts and intimidate the press. He gets rid of term limits and promises to stay in power for at least ten years. Drug traffic increases due to permission government. He buys 90 Russian tanks along with anti aircraft missiles. In 2012 he is reelected for a fourth term. In 2013 he dies. All these new government benefits were promised when oil was $100 but then it fell to $30 and they ran out of money reminiscent of Maggie Thatcher who said socialism is great until you run out of the other guys money. Maria Gabriela Chavez, daughter of Hugo is a wealthy woman which proves Orwell's explanation of socialism when he said all are equal but some are more equal.

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