Friday, July 30, 2021

Covid Wuhan

The case regarding the Covid has been gradually unfolding since the onset. At first it was said to have come from an animal. Later when it was suggested that it might have come from the lab in Wuhan many scientist came forth saying that was not the case. In February of 2020 this happened. A group of 27 prominent public health scientists from outside China is pushing back against a steady stream of stories and even a scientific paper suggesting a laboratory in Wuhan, China, may be the origin of the outbreak of COVID-19. When the lab leak was suggested immediately scientists came forward calling it a conspiracy theory with Dr. Fauci leading the charge. The leaks began to gain credibility when it was revealed that Fauci's group provided funding for the Wuhan lab. Than last month an article in Vanity Fair revealed that the State Department was told not to investigate Wuhan because it would reveal the US involvement in gain of function research. This week the NY Times reported the larger truth — obscured until recently by fervent efforts (including by Fauci) to dismiss the lab-leak theory for the origins of the pandemic — is that the U.S. government’s scientific establishment did support gain-of-function research that deserved far more public debate than it got," Stephens wrote. "Also incontrovertibly true is that beneficiaries of that funding engaged in deceptive tactics and outright mendacity to shield their research from public scrutiny while denouncing their critics as conspiracymongers."

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