Thursday, September 29, 2022

California today

The story of the decline of Detroit seems to be happening again. In the 50's the Motor City was booming with the Big Three automakers leading the world. Many Blacks moved from the south to get better jobs. At first there was turmoil as Whites refused to work along side Blacks but that changed as new plants were built in the outlying areas and Whites moved but the Blacks stayed in the city. This was the beginning of the economic divide which would bring down the city. As the Whites, who were mostly homeowners, left, the tax base left with them and houses sat empty as the city coffers shrank. The 1967 race riots pushed the exodus into high gear and the rest is history. California is the poster child for what is happening today and other states are following. People are leaving for various reasons. Taxes are the highest in the country at 13% and keep rising. People might move to Texas where there is no state income tax. The average home price in California is $650,000 almost twice the $350,000 in Texas. California is so overwhelming democrat that many conservatives feel their voices are no longer heard and want to move where the aren't faced with taxation without representation. The state has a homeless problem. California has more than 150,000 homeless people, more than any other state. Some of them are mentally ill and/or addicted to drugs. They wander the streets, defecating where and when they please. They expose themselves in areas where they can be seen by children. And many other problems that residents report. There is a general problem of filth in the cities. It’s not uncommon to see human poop in the state’s largest cities, with San Francisco winning the award as the “the doo-doo capital of the U.S“. Crime is up and people blame the government as the State Supreme Court did away with cash bail and other laws like not prosecution theft under $950. It is mostly low and middle income people who are leaving and this widens the gap between the rich and poor

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