Tuesday, September 27, 2022

GOP platform

John Smith is the republican candidate for president of the 2024 election. His platform is laid out in clear concise detail. Will maximize fossil fuel output Will stop excess government spending to fight inflation Will push for parents to be in charge of school and the curriculum will be academic Will continue to increase import taxes on goods from China Will make the Trump tax cuts permanent. Will promote strong national defense Will promote strong local police departments Will reduce the flow of illegals by forcing Mexico to close their southern border, support remain in Mexico and build a wall. Will maintain sanctions on Iran Will not join the Paris climate agreement\ Will promote all ways to increase clean energy with emphasis on nuclear Will promote the Abraham accords bringing Muslims and Jews together Will encourage governors to fire DA's who promote no-bail laws Will support free market capitalism by reducing unnecessary regulations Will put America first as the best way to help others Will encourage other countries pay their share of NATO and the United Nation Will ask that other countries pay the full cost of US troops protecting them Will promote school choice where the money follows the student This is how things look if you remove Trump from the picture

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