Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Chinese nukes

The Industrial Revolution that swept through Western Europe and the United States during the 19th Century was powered by coal and this started the steady rise in CO2 levels which continues today. About 30 years ago the government became concerned about climate change but mostly what they did about it, did not have a serious impact. That took economics. When the energy industry recognized that it was more efficient to use natural gas instead of coal for power plants real progress started to be made. Lower CO2 emissions have largely been the result of a shift from coal to natural gas in the electricity generation mix. Green house gases decreased 7% since 1990 and 20% since 2005. The US population in 1990 was 250 million and today it is 330 million. China was able to fast forward through the Industrial Revolution because they copied the technology of the west and now they have a chance to by-pass the west and go directly to nuclear power. China has built a thorium nuke plant and is planning on producing plants like this on an assembly line basis and selling them around the world. Today we buy solar panels from China, tomorrow will we be buying nuke plants.

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