Monday, September 5, 2022


In recent years the number of illegal immigrants transferred have increased dramatically. Transfer is the process where illegals are put on planes after they enter the country and flown to other border cities and then returned to Mexico. About half are sent back and many of those return and add to numbers and distort the true number coming into the country. Unaccompanied children are flow to areas where some relative may live. The number of unaccompanied children encountered in fiscal 2021—147,975. Many of these children cannot speak English and will enter the local schools. They cannot be expected to stay ahead of their school work without the special help of translators. Many spend one hour a day in a English second language (ESL) class and this can be costly. Others are mainstreamed with a para teacher going from class to class with them. This can be disruptive to the class and is just one more distraction with which the teachers must contend.

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