Thursday, September 8, 2022

College today

Advance formal education has changed dramatically since the country was founded. The founding fathers studied the classics and philosophy as well as mathematics and science. They wanted what was called a well rounded education which allowed them to think on a grand scale about worldly affairs. Very few people went to college. In today's world students do not have the luxury of studying things like Latin and Greek as the amount of knowledge has increased to the point where specialization has become a necessity. Going to college today means to forget about the well rounding stuff and look for studies that will provide you with a good paying job. Things like STEM, business, teaching and understanding computers will provide a return on the college investment. The days of majoring in French literature and Women's studies are OK for those who have lots of money but not for the person who is going to school on loans. When I was in school it was still possible to go to college to get an understanding of the world and the saying was, education makes green greener. If a person says they don't understand Art, it is because they never had the education to understand Art or the same could be said for things like sculpturing or to some extent music.

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