Sunday, September 11, 2022

Social change

It is interesting that in the deep south state of Georgia, two Black men are running for senate and a Black woman is running for governor. Opportunities for Blacks abound across the country. They have been held back because of prejudice but that is not the only cause of so few Blacks being elected to public office. There have been a total of 58 women who have served in the US Senate out of a total of 1,314 senators since the founding of the county. There are 24 serving today. Just as the women have been coming on strong in recent years so have Blacks. It is not just in politics but in all walks of life that these two groups are becoming more represented. Social change is often painfully slow but things are improving. It has been my experience that most men gave little to no thought to women's rights until they had a grown daughter and then things changed quickly. Sometimes it takes a personal experience to wake up consciousness. This same awareness happens to those who have personal experiences with drug and alcohol abuse, sexual preferences and abortion.

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