Monday, May 27, 2024


Many people wondered how the response to the 9/11 attack moved the US attack from Afghanistan to Iraq. The pro war hawks in the US promoted this idea to Bush but he balked. Later they gave him a hastily prepared 75 page report indicating that Saddam had WMD. This report was cleaned up to 25 pages and presented to Bush and the congress. The report changed unconfirmed status of WMD to a most likely confirmation of WMD. Next a classified dossier supposedly prepared by Italy's spy chief Enzo Bianco stated that yellow cake from Niger was sent to Iraq. Yellow cake is uranium oxide. In 2005 Bianco denied that he had anything to do with the dossier. In 2015 documents were released by the US government confirming that the dossier was false. This story sounds frightening familiar. It was the false information in the Steele dossier that convinced the government to investigate the Trump/Russia collusion. These sorts of schemes required the cooperation of many people in several government agencies what accused conspiracy theorist call the deep state. Since the president, the congress and the press all went along with the Iraq invasion it is difficult for them to investigate after the fact so their mistakes are left alone. This is the same reason why the press will not investigate the lies spread by the Steele dossier.

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