Friday, May 3, 2024


The college protest will lose steam if the professional agitators do not get the police to take some controversial actions and so far the police have not cooperated. The plan was to get the police to start beating on the students and to put that on national TV to prove that America does not allow protest that all the talk about first amendment rights was just that, talk. This is patterned after the Hamas attack on Israel but they succeeded. Attack the Jews and wait for a response. Put innocent civilians in places where they are certain to be injured and killed and then present the evidence to the world. Since many throughout the world were already critical of Jews this strategy worked to perfection. Even President Biden is in a quandary as to how to respond. He his trying to please both sides which most of the time means you just anger both sides. He is not aware or has forgotten the principal that people react passively to what they agree with and actively to what they disagree with.

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