Friday, May 24, 2024


What does the situation look like six months out from the election. First off, no matter who is elected, the economy will experience rapid growth with full employment and high inflation. The new facilities from industrial expansion as a result of reshoring will be designed with efficiency in mind and helped along with AI will increase productivity which will off set some of the wage/price inflation. If Trump is elected he will negotiate a peace in Ukraine giving up Crimea, Donbas and a promise not to allow Ukraine into NATO. On immigration he will re institute the remain in Mexico policy, get rid of catch and release, force Mexico to close their border with Guatemala, deport illegals matching the three million that Obama deported and build the wall. On abortion he will not sign a national ban leaving decisions up to the states as the Supreme Court has ruled and his personal belief is abortions should be allowed in the first 15 weeks and later only the case of the life of the mother, rape and incest. On the issue of crime he will put pressure on states to enforce bail laws, encourage DA's to incarcerate repeat offenders and put more police into high crime areas like the inner cities. Trump will continue the policy of drilling on public land, in Alaska and off shore in the Gulf. Biden initially closed off these areas but later re opened them. Trump will push to keep men out of women's sports and to stop gender changing treatments on minors. Trump will follow the Supreme Court rules and not pay off student loans. Trump will make a deal with Saudi Arabia to offer protection for their entry into the Abraham Accords, which will allow them to join United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco as allies with Israel. He will re institute the sanctions against Iran and get out of the Paris climate agreement. Trump will continue the policy he started when he approved $1.35 billion for the building of the first US small scale nuclear power project. Trump will continue his strong support for Israel as he did when he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv. Trump will continue to demand that NATO countries pay their fair share and start building up their own defenses instead of depending on the US for protection. Trump will continue his get tough on China policy which was kept in place and added to by Biden.

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