Wednesday, May 8, 2024


A 25 year veteran editor at NPR recently resigned after publicly saying that the newsroom was filled with 87 people who were all registered democrats. Many people believe that this represents the newsrooms of the top media companies. They are interested in diversity in all ways but not so when it comes to politics. Race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender do not matter but politics does. This week senior media writer for Politico says that the news people have lost their swagger. The newsrooms are filled with people who all think alike when it comes to politics and thus gather audiences that think like they do. It has become one big happy family. It is not unusual to see four or five people sitting around a table all reinforcing each others statements. Source after source reports the same thing in the same way. News people used to challenge the status quo but now they promote it. The media and the government have joined forces and the guardians of the first amendment have abdicated their responsibility to challenge the powerful. Many people mistakenly blame Trump for the distrust in the media but this trend started 40 years ago. In 1980 trust in the media was at 70% and today it is 32%.

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