Monday, May 20, 2024


When people talk about threats to our way of life they speak of climate change, end of democracy, White supremacy, run away inflation, national debt and each of these groups has their constituencies. One area rarely discussed is income inequality. Money leads to power. Power corrupts. Concentration of power corrupts more. The top one percent of people own as much wealth as the bottom 99% and the gap widens each year. The world's five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes since 2020 rising from $405 billion to $869 billion. Dividing the country by race has been replace by dividing by class and in the world class means income. The phrase middle class means middle income. The driving force in income disparity has been globalization. It moved good paying union jobs to poor countries where there were no environmental rules, no safe working rules and no unions. Many of these use child labor and even slave labor. This meant huge profits for large corporations. Since the mid 1990's the richest 10% of the world's population has accumulated more than three quarters of all wealth generated,while the poorest half got only 2%. As globalization slows and is replaced by bringing jobs back home (reshoring) there is an opportunity to close the income gap. The US will double its industrial base over the next ten years and this can mean good high paying jobs. It means all sorts of construction work along with technicians working in the plants. These positions require workers who are literate and can learn on the job. Some will receive training at tech colleges and others will be recruited right out of high school and trained at work.

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